The Foundation stone for Christ Church was laid on 13th December 1858 by the British Resident Gen. Cullen in the presence of a large number of people, which included H.H. the First Prince Rama Varma of Travancore. The Church was consecrated by Bishop Dealtry of Madras on 15th November 1859. About two years later, The Maharajah of Travancore granted a Neettu (document) in the Malayalam Era 1036 for the newly constructed Church. The Neettu sanctioned the utilization of the building for religious worship by all residents including the Europeans. In the year 1883, H.H. The Maharajah issued an order sanctioning an additional grant of land on the north and west of the Church for extension of the Cemetery.
The increase in members, caused mainly by the migration of Christians from other parts of the State to Trivandrum, necessitated the extension of the Church. The late Laurie Baker, renowned Architect and an active member of the Church, designed the extension of the Church, and the construction was supervised by a group of senior engineers who were members of the Church. It is to the credit of Laurie Baker that the extension when completed supplemented the majesty and splendour of the original building.
Christ Church had earlier been a civil church maintained by the government, and under the ecclesiastical authority of the Metropolitan of Calcutta and the Bishop of Madras. In 1956 it became a constituent of the Church of South India, under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of the Diocese of Central Travancore (the present Madhya Kerala Diocese).