The Prison Ministries of the CSI Madhya Kerala Diocese was inaugurated on 12th June 2012 by Dr. Susan Thomas Kochamma, wife of the Bishop of Madhya Kerala and President of the Madhya Kerala Women’s Fellowship, at Christ Church, under the auspices of the Christ Church Women’s Fellowship. The event marks a milestone in the history of the Madhya Kerala Women’s Fellowship. Susan Thomas Kochamma highlighted the objective of the ministry: to bring about a quiet transformation in the lives of prisoners by conveying to them the love of God. During the inaugural ceremony, the Women’s Fellowship members reaffirmed their commitment to this cause by singing ‘Jesus Bids Us Shine’ with lighted candles. This was followed by prayer by Rev. Sumod Cherian. Felicitations were offered by Very Rev. Matthew Matthew, Sr. Santhamma Joseph (Secretary of the Madhya Kerala Women’s Fellowship), Mr. John Kurien and Mr. K.C. Mani. Rev. Raju Jacob and Molly Kochamma, who have worked in the Prison Ministry in Canada, have given inspiring leadership to the team.
This project has taken off after two years of deliberation, training programmes, and co-ordination work. The inspiration for the project came after some members of our Women’s Fellowship were invited to participate in an “Enrichment Programme for Prison Ministry” conducted in Bangalore by the CSI Women’s Fellowship of Bangalore. On their return, our members expressed their interest in starting such a programme in Trivandrum. Our Church Committee welcomed the suggestion and promised their support. The Committee appointed Mrs. Omana Abraham as the Coordinator of the project. So far, 26 members have come forward as volunteers.
By the grace of God, we have received permission to visit the Women’s Prison, Attakulangara, between 2 p.m and 3.30 p.m on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month, in groups of 7 to 10 members at a time.
It has been decided to hold discussions with the inmates, during our sessions with them, on topics such as the following: Beginnings, Denial, Deception, Guilt and Shame, Fame, Self-pity, Power and Control, “Effects of my behaviour on those whom I love”, Victims, Boundaries, Loneliness, Forgiveness, Trust, Love and Respect, Community and Celebration. We hope this will help the prisoners find joy and hope even though their freedom is curtailed.
The broad Vision Statement is as follows: Christ Church Prison Ministries strives to help the prisoners through prayer, counselling, and material help, to bring about their renewal.
We have begun this ministry without any initial capital. But we are certain that God will guide us to find a way to make this mission a purposeful and fruitful one.