Women’s Fellowship organises pre-marital counseling, and visits slums, prisons and Asha Bhavan (Home for Mentally Challenged) to provide succour to the disadvantaged. The Fellowship partakes in the Harvest Festival and in all social activities in the Church, takes an active part in divine worship during the Women’s Sunday celebrations, presents the message at outstation churches on the occasion of Women’s Sunday, and visits the outstations to interact with women. To provide companionship and relief to the lonely, visits to homes of the aged, and the sick and the forlorn of the Parish are arranged on fourth Saturdays. The visit to the IXth Ward of the General Hospital, Trivandrum, where the abandoned of the society seek refuge, is an opportunity to attend to the marginalised. Annual Scholarships jointly sponsored by Women’s Fellowship and the Zenana Mission are awarded to nursing students.
Mobilizing funds through generous donations from the members of the Church, Women’s Fellowship distributed Cancer Care for Life Certificates to families for whom medical treatment was unaffordable. The inclusive project encompassed all segments of the society.
The penchant for social causes drew eminent doctors from the Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum to the Cancer Awareness Programme organized by the Women’s Fellowship. The discussion on multiple aspects of cancer among men and women was enlightening.