Almaya Fellowship with the motto “But Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people” (1 Peter 2:9) is the successor to the “Professional Fellowship” founded 34 years ago in our Diocese. The membership is extended to all lay members of the Madhya Kerala Diocese. The fellowship endeavors to work for the physical and spiritual development of its members and to ensure social justice.
The members of the Christ Church Almaya Fellowship are highly motivated. They conduct regular prayers for the sick and the suffering. The Fellowship conducts cottage prayer meetings at distant places not covered by Area Prayer Groups, holds monthly fellowship meetings, year-end devotional service, retreats, and an annual convention for three days.
The Fellowship sponsors evangelical work at Anthak-Thanda (Andhra Mission), supports orphan children at Parkal Mission, celebrates Christmas with inmates of Poor Homes, distributes uniforms to children at mission schools and supports evangelical activities in Mission fields. The members of the Fellowship visit a number of churches as speakers on deputation on Almaya Sunday.