The Ecological Forum of Christ Church commenced its activities in 2008. The Forum assists the Church in planning and executing ecology and environment-related programmes through the members and their families. It proposes to upgrade the awareness of members of the Church in environment protection and build the competence to foster “Ecologically Sensitive Spirituality”. The Forum discourages use of plastic disposables in all the functions of the Church and the households of its members. The efforts of the Forum have been successful in putting in place a good waste management system in the compound of the Church.A seminar on Food Security had been arranged where experts lectured on food security and bio-diversity. 150 eco kits consisting of saplings, coir-pith compost and wormy compost were distributed among the members of the Church. A large tree-planting programme for the parish was inaugurated in which each household of the parish had been requested to plant one sapling during 2009-10. Eight tree saplings have been planted in the Church compound.
The Ecological Forum proposes to identify the biodiversity in the compound and label all the trees. It also encourages the members of the Church to resort to organic farming to grow vegetables in their homesteads. The Ecological Forum undertakes cleaning of the premises of the Church on 2nd October. The programme envisages dusting and cleaning the furniture, windowpanes, chandeliers and mopping the floors of the Church, along with sweeping and cleaning the compound.