An orphanage with 18 children from Manacadu and Muttathara was launched in 1936 by Ms. Eliyamma Oommen in a small building with 3 rooms acquired for Rs. 253.00. The Mission House, Orphanage and Nursery School are maintained through contributions from the congregation and liberal assistance from Christ Church.
The Church, renamed as “Immanuel CSI Churchâ€, celebrated its Platinum Jubilee in 2007. Divine Worship is held at 8.30 a.m. on Sundays. Holy Eucharist is celebrated on second Sundays. An elected committee manages the affairs of the Church. Women’s Fellowship, Youth Movement, Choir and Sunday School are vibrant. The congregation has 47 families with 117 subscribing members. In order to cater to the burgeoning community that worships at the Church, the ancient structure has given way to a magnificent building. The project has been taken up by CSI Christ Church, Trivandrum, to commemorate its Sesquicentennial Celebrations. Not to be outdone, the congregation at Muttathara adds their mite to the effort.